Residents Login

Property Management for Developers

Planning and Before Build

Working with the initial plans drafted by your architects, we can brief and assist in the planing and specification stage.

We can aid you and your solicitors in drafting development specific leases, reviewing Section 106 planing agreements.

Our services is aimed to achieve a smooth transition from Building by the Developer to Occupation by the Residents.


Service Charge and Budget Advice

We produce transparent service charge budgets for you and the purchasers, with any necessary amendments being completed promptly.


Resident Liaison and Management

We arrange regular residents meetings and communicate with your purchasers within the the build phase to explain how the management of the development works avoiding the developer having to deal with management concerns.


The residential property market is a forever changing world, with more complex developments being built and more demands placed upon both development and managing agent.

It is therefore essential that you select a property management company that works with you to help you achieve your commercial and marketing objectives.

The Red Brick team prides itself on being receptive and adaptable to the needs of our clients, so please do contact us today to discuss how we can help you

Our Services

Administration and maintenance of apartment complexes or blocks of flats.

Whether you are part of a Resident Management Company (RMC), a freeholder, or a developer, a professional block management agent can make all the difference, ensuring your property remains a valuable asset and a desirable place to live.

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Management of contractors site visits and site inspections.

The primary function of our business is property management services. That is maintaining and enhancing the fabric, amenities and services of the developments forming our portfolio, according to client requirements, and in compliance with leasehold and other statutory provisions.

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Company year end accounts, Service Charge Accounts and Income and Expenditure accounts for clients.

Reports and communication about Service Charge that are simple and easy to understand.

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Arranging reactive and proactive maintenance and repairs on developments under our management.

The most visual aspect of property management is onsite maintenance such as cleaning, gardening, window cleaning as well as general repairs.

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Modern developments may have a range of Mechanical and Electrical and Safety Equipment installed.

Developments of all ages have a range of Mechanical and Electrical, and Safety and Monitoring Equipment installed.

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Advising on leasehold legislation and legal document such as leases and transfers.

Breaches of Lease and Transfer Covenants, can be a tedious task to resolve. Our Legal and Technical team can assist clients by providing clarification as to what can and cannot be done and advise on steps to resolve.

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Overseeing Major Works and Long Term Projects such as redecoration, upgrades and roof works.

From time to time it may be necessary for a client to undertake works over and above usual 'day-to-day' maintenance requirements, for instance perhaps in connection with periodic internal and/or external redecoration, or overhaul/replacement of lift installations.

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Arranging Insurance Cover for risks such as Block Building, Public Liability and Directors and Officers.

Ensuring clients have peace of mind that they are appropriately covered and advised in the case of unforeseen circumstances, and resultant claims are dealt with efficiently.

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Free Management Assessment

For a non-obligation service charge and our fee quotation, please complete the form below and submit.

What Clients Say...

Left Quote
Just wanted to say a big thank you to all at Red Brick Management, not only have you been first class in understanding our needs you've also been a pleasure to work with.
We Directors sat and had a meeting about the development last night and the guys are extremely happy with how Red Brick are managing the development. In particular, the lowering of service charges and quick response times which were the two issues we had with our former managing agent!
Well done that is a great result and sets a precedent for any further monies that may be due. thank you very much indeed for a great job on our behalf.
We were unimpressed with our previous management company and decided to give Red Brick a trial period with strict targets to meet - relating to response times, costings, and general maintenance of the development of 238 apartments.
Right Quote

We remind property owners and tenants about problems caused in leaving properties unheated in cold spells, especially empty properties.


We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website that features the brand new “Residents Login” facility


When selling a flat or house where you pay Service Charge to a Management Company your solicitors will need to provide additional information and documents to the buyer’s solicitors.